p5-Lingua-EN-FindNumber | Inflect short English Phrases | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect | Perl module for inflection of english words and a/an selection | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number | Force number of words to singular or plural | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase | Inflect short English Phrases | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal | Perl module to detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate | Go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal (3rd) | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence | Perl module for splitting English text into sentences | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger | Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing | |
p5-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums | Perl module to convert English text to numbers | |
p5-Lingua-Identify | Language identification | |
p5-Lingua-Preferred | Choose a preferred language from a selection | |
p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer | Perl5 modules for Galician and Portuguese language stemming | |
p5-Lingua-Stem | Stemming of words | |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr | Perl French Stemming | |
p5-Lingua-Stem-It | Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian | |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru | Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian (KOI8-R only) | |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball | Lingua::Stem::Snowball - Perl interface to Snowball stemmers | |
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da | Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark | |
p5-List-Compare | Compare elements of two or more lists | |
p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext | Joins the gettext and Maketext frameworks | |
p5-marisa | MARISA perl module | |
p5-Math-BaseCnv (V) | Fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases | |
p5-mecab | MeCab perl module | |
p5-mobiperl | Tools for generating and manipulating MobiPocket files | |
p5-native-hyperestraier | Perl native interface of Hyper Estraier | |
p5-Net-Dict | Client API for the DICT protocol defined in RFC2229 | |
p5-Net-IDN-Encode | IDN, Internationalized Domain Names (Encode,UTS46,Punycode) | |
p5-Number-Format | Perl extension for formatting numbers | |
p5-Number-Spell | Perl extension for spelling out numbers | |
p5-PDF | Perl5 module for pdf document manipulation | |
p5-PDF-API2 | Perl5 module for next generation api for pdf | |
p5-PDF-Create | Perl5 module for creating pdf documents | |
p5-PDF-Reuse | Reuse and mass produce PDF documents | |
p5-PDF-Reuse-Barcode | Create barcodes for PDF documents with PDF::Reuse | |
p5-PDF-Table | Utility class for building table layouts in a Perl5 PDF::API2 object | |
p5-Pod-Abstract | Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents | |
p5-Pod-Coverage | Checks if the documentation of a module is comprehensive | |
p5-Pod-Elemental | Perl5 module to work with nestable Pod elements | |
p5-Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger | Perl5 module that takes a string of Perl and rewrites its Pod | |
p5-Pod-Escapes | Perl module for decoding Pod E<...> sequences | |
p5-Pod-Eventual | Read a POD document as a series of trivial events | |
p5-Pod-Markdown | Convert POD to Markdown | |
p5-Pod-Parser | POD filters and translators | |
p5-Pod-POM | P5 module to format POD into an object format, hence POM | |
p5-Pod-Readme | Convert POD to README file | |
p5-Pod-Simple | Simple framework for parsing Pod | |
p5-Pod-Spell | Formatter for spellchecking Pod | |
p5-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes | Catches common typos in POD | |
p5-Pod-Strip | Perl5 module to remove POD from Perl code | |
p5-Pod-Tests | Perl5 module that extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD | |
p5-Pod-Tree | Create a static syntax tree for a POD | |
p5-Pod-Weaver | Weave together a Pod document from an outline | |
p5-POD2-Base | Base module for translations of Perl documentation | |
p5-podlators | Collection of pod related perl modules | |
p5-PPI-HTML | Perl 5 module to generate syntax-hightlighted HTML for Perl | |
p5-Regexp-Common | Provide commonly requested regular expressions | |
p5-Regexp-Copy | Perl5 module to copy Regexp objects | |
p5-Search-Indexer | Perl 5 module providing a full-text indexer | |
p5-Search-Xapian | Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library | |
p5-SGMLS | Class for postprocessing the output from the sgmls and nsgmls parsers | |
p5-Snowball-Norwegian | Porters stemming algorithm for Norwegian | |
p5-Snowball-Swedish | Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish | |
p5-String-Approx | Approximate (fuzzy) string matching library for Perl | |
p5-String-BufferStack | Perl 5 module for nested buffers for templating systems | |
p5-String-CamelCase | Convert string to camelcase and vice versa | |
p5-String-Compare-ConstantTime | Perl5 module for timing side-channel protected string compare | |
p5-String-CRC32 | Perl module to generate cksums from strings and from files | |
p5-String-Errf | Perl 5 module providing a simple string formatter | |
p5-String-Flogger | Perl 5 module for string munging for loggers | |
p5-String-Formatter | Perl 5 module to build sprintf-like functions of your own | |
p5-String-Koremutake | Perl 5 module to convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings | |
p5-String-RewritePrefix | Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes | |
p5-String-ShellQuote | Quote strings for passing through the shell | |
p5-String-Similarity | Calculate the similarity of two strings | |
p5-String-ToIdentifier-EN | Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers | |
p5-String-Truncate | Perl5 module for when strings are too long to be displayed | |
p5-Swim | Plain text markup language that converts to many formats | |
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate | Perl port of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate texteditor | |
p5-Syntax-SourceHighlight | Perl binding to GNU source-highlight | |
p5-Template-Declare | Perl 5 module to make Perlish declarative templates | |
p5-Template-Plugin-Autoformat | Interface to Text::Autoformat module for TT2 | |
p5-Template-Plugin-CSV | Template::Toolkit plugin for generating CSV | |
p5-Template-Plugin-DateTime (V) | Template plugin to use DateTime objects | |
p5-Template-Plugin-Latex | Latex support for the Template Toolkit | |
p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format | Plugin/filter interface to Number::Format | |
p5-Template-Plugin-YAML | Plugin interface to YAML | |
p5-Template-Tiny | Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible | |
p5-Term-Encoding (V) | Detect encoding of the current terminal | |
p5-Test-YAML | Testing Module for YAML Implementations | |
p5-Text-Affixes | Prefixes and suffixes analysis of text | |
p5-Text-Aspell | Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library | |
p5-Text-Autoformat | Perl module for text wrapping and reformatting | |
p5-Text-Balanced | Extract delimited text sequences from strings | |
p5-Text-BibTeX | Perl library for reading, parsing, and processing BibTeX files | |
p5-Text-Brew | Perl module for configurable and analyzable edit distances | |
p5-Text-CharWidth | Perl5 wrappers around wcwidth(3) and family | |
p5-Text-ChaSen | Perl5 module to use ChaSen | |
p5-Text-Context-EitherSide | Get n words either side of search keywords | |
p5-Text-CSV | Comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl) | |
p5-Text-CSV_XS | Routines for composition and decomposition of comma-separated values |